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23 Mar 2017

Ombre pink curly crochet hair

Everything I planned about this hair went wrong, but turned out to be super fab at the end.  My love for bright hair is out of this world, I feel like it's a way of expressing myself. 

I got the hair from my local beauty store, I bought the colour grey because it's easy to dye as it's synthetic. I first tried Normal hair dye which did not work, silly me should have checked on youtube first. I used pink acrylic ink mixed with isopropyl rubbing alcohol 

I wanted to dye the hair black at the roots, which I think gives it a natural look, blue on the middle and pink at the ends. However I only received the pink one and was running out of time for the blogs convention London event  #blogconldn. 

And that's how the look turned out, let me know that you think 😊

I have a D.I.Y video of this hair and a how I dyed the hair on my YouTube channel, please check them out . 


Must know- the dye might stain your clothes. 

                      Lippie xox 


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